for current and future wives (aka for ladies who want to be married)

Unlock 190 years of marriage wisdom

if i were a fly on the wall in your home, i would see that...

You no longer have what you once did, and it's that constant ache that you're aware of, but that you keep pushing through, hoping it will get better.

  • Your marriage feels stale. The connection you once had is long-since gone
  • Your relationship feels lackluster. You can’t remember the last time you had a date night, where the two of you just had fun together
  • You’re no longer seeing eye-to-eye. You’re constantly at odds, from as trivial as where to eat dinner, to as serious as how to parent your children
  • The little things that were once endearing are now so annoying - like the way he always ruffles your hair as he walks by, or the way he winks at you when he’s been mischievous
  • Your communication is struggling. You’re not entirely sure what exactly caused it, when the disconnect happened, or how it started, and you miss what you used to have.

but, you're not ready to give up on what you really want...

You're desiring the honeymoon phase (for life), but you've got some fear creeping up - not sure how it could work, if you've got what it takes, or if it's even possible.


  • feeling connected with your husband, and having a safety to know you can share with him when something feels “off”
  • passionately craving being intimate together, and knowing that it’s fully reciprocated
  • communication flowing smoothly, and for misunderstandings to be worked through instead of piled up
  • growing in your relationship, and not feeling stuck or trapped, or like you have to walk on eggshells around each other
  • knowing that you’re not alone when things aren’t going perfectly, and that you have relationships in your life that can help you move through things well
  • being an abundant wife, day in and day out, through thick and thin, getting to live from that peace of mind.

Abundant Wives don’t focus on the past, and they speak life into their future. They don’t have perfect marriages, nor do they pretend to.


They DO seek wisdom to apply in the areas that aren’t working smoothly though, and that’s what has allowed them to thrive in their marriage, through thick and thin.

To access 190 years of wisdom - neatly packed into less than 8 hours of listening time - download the mini series

Access 190 years of marriage wisdom today, with season 4 of Abundant Wife the mini series instant download

here's what's included in abundant wife

11 audio interviews with 11 different abundant wives

Topics include (among others): how your comfort zone is slowly killing your marriage, what to do when people change and life isn't what you thought, and going to the edge and back - how to overcome the urge to quit (value $1100)

abundant wife recommended resources list

A list of their go to tools that helped them through the tough times, and bolstered their strength in the great times (value $25)

Next steps guide

An outline of practical, actionable things our Abundant Wives have done (that you can do, too) to step into being an Abundant Wife (value $25)

BONUS : Husband Prayer Cards

Our husbands are a gift from God, and these cards are designed to help prompt your prayers for him - whether you are married, engaged, dating, or single, you can always take the time to be thankful for your husband. (value $15)

BONUS : Joy-sparking gratitude journal

We're going to activate your senses and have you finding gratitude around every corner, to wildly increase your JOY!! (value $25)

BONUS : I am an abundant wife affirmations

It's one thing to read about other incredible ladies who are actively being Abundant Wives, and a whole other thing to really own the fact that YOU are an abundant wife yourself!! These affirmations will help you step into that! (value $10)

get access to season 4 of abundant wife

A sneak peek at what our abundant wives share in the interviews...

When we weren't communicating, we were really looking at each other, and looking at our differences, as negative things. You know, we were fighting against the differences that we had instead of embracing the differences and realizing our strengths and our weaknesses are very different, but they really do complement each other. And when we're together we have a lot of impact.”

~Trish Steensma

I really feel like teachability is one of the biggest areas that women can really grow their capacity in being able to support their husbands and whatever it is that they're doing.

~Jade Smith

I can't ever abdicate my leadership. I just need to do it in a way that sets him up for a win without losing the God strength inside of me. So a bit of practicality, what does that look like? It looks like being really careful about your displays of strength and passion. So it's not that I lose my passion or my opinion, I'm just redirecting it to a time and a tone that it'd be better received.”

~Emma Davies

How much is a great marriage worth to you?

The reality is, a great marriage is priceless, and the women I’ve interviewed have already invested years (and time, and money in therapy, coaching, counseling, etc.) for you. You can get access to all those years of wisdom today for only $97!


Think about it, if you and your husband went to one counseling session, it would probably be $200+ and you’d likely need more than one (as anyone who's done counseling can attest to)!


But these interviews are here for you, to listen to at your convenience, so things in your marriage can start to shift now.

What's included

  • 11 audio interviews with 11 different Abundant Wives (value $1100)
  • Abundant Wife Recommended Resource List (value $25)
  • Next Steps Guide (value $25)
  • Husband Prayer Cards (value $15)
  • Joy-sparking Gratitude Journal (value $25)
  • Abundant Wife Affirmations (value $10)

Yours today for only  $1200  $97

*including these Bonuses*

husband prayer cards

These are designed to help take any guesswork out of prayer, and allow you to stay connected with God, even during the busiest of times.


Created for you to easily print and keep in your wallet, on your mirror, or wherever you’d like, these will encourage you throughout your day to pray for your husband, which is only going to help strengthen your marriage.

joy-sparking gratitude journal

When I sat down to create this joy-sparking Gratitude Journal, I envisioned you really taking some time with yourself to tune into GRATITUDE, so you can wildly increase your JOY! So, as you respond to these prompts, allow yourself to relive the beauty of your day and really seek to find something for each prompt! All five senses will be included, and then some.... So grab a pen, a cup of Joe, and let's get started!

abundant wife affirmations

These abundant wife affirmations are specifically designed to help you step into being an Abundant Wife. Based on characteristics that have been consistently exhibited by the abundant wives I got to interview, these affirmations will confirm what's really true about you as you continue to speak them out. You ARE an Abundant Wife!


  • How are these interviews delivered to me?

Through a platform through Gumroad. You’ll be able to access all the content with the email address you use to check out. Easy!

  • I'm so busy! How long are these interviews?

On average, they’re 40-minutes each. You’ll be able to save where you’re at within the platform, or you can download the episodes and listen to them on your own device, at your own convenience - when you’re commuting to work, while you’re doing dishes, or…..

  • Will this really make a difference in my marriage?

Short answer? Yes. These interviews are going to make a difference because these women have gone through thick and thin in their marriages, and they’re sharing practical, real-life wisdom you can apply to start making an immediate shift.

  • Why would I listen to these women in particular?

These Abundant Wives represent a wide variety of women, in all life stages, with all sorts of backgrounds, upbringings, and struggles they’ve overcome in their marriage, and they are bringing real wisdom that they’ve been applying for decades. Whether they’ve walked through exactly what you’re walking through right now or not, they have real-life wisdom that works, and they’re sharing it here, unfiltered! They’re walking the walk, through and through, and I can attest that they’re the real deal!

  • What's with the whole "190 years of wisdom" thing?

God gave me the title and tagline for this project (“Abundant Wife: Wisdom from 1,000 Years of Marriage”) when He first gave me the idea of a book back in 2018. The 1,000 years are a cumulative total of the years of marriage represented between all the Abundant Wives I've interviewed (based on the date of their interview). As the idea has developed and expanded into this mini series, 1,000 years of wisdom felt like it would be too much for one go (it would have been over 43 hours of audio 🤯), so the interviews have been divided up into 5 seasons. Season 4 is representing 190 years of marriage, in less than 8 hours of audio. Fun fact, that's nearly 26 years of marriage wisdom inside of each single hour of content!! Talk about potency - WOW!