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Leadership Lifestyle

Mixed emotions

⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️⬆️It’s been an interesting last few weeks (#mixedemotions).?HIGHS..?lows..A consistent stream of genuine encouragement, celebration, and love as I went from saying ?hello to a brand new year to saying ?goodbye to my sweet cat, Cashmere – within 10 days of each other..A LOT of ?fresh …


Looking back

? Looking back at my past self like “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how incredible your life is! But, trust me. Buckle up, sis. It will all be worth it!”.? Sometimes I can’t believe this is my real life. The people. The …


Please recognize

When we the last time you looked in the mirror and acknowledged how stunningly beautiful you are? ?.For most of us, it’s been far too long ? Most of us glance to see if we have something stuck in our teeth ? or to make …