Showing: 1 - 10 of 61 Articles

Thank God for late crops

Thank God for late crops. For those blessings we’ve prayed for that haven’t happened in our perfect time. For those dreams we’ve had that haven’t come to pass yet. Thank God for late crops. When good things seem to be destroyed in front of us. …


Goodbye, 2023 – Hello, 2024

As we wrap this year, and enjoy the last day of 2023, it seems fitting to share the last verse of the Bible – a beautiful proclamation for all to hear ???? “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with everyone. Amen.” -Revelation 22:21 May …


Happy Wednesday, you MASTERPIECE, you!

Sometimes we just need a reminder that it’s going to be a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY! We are God’s masterpiece, after all ???? Yes. His MASTERPIECE. The sign behind me here reads “For we are God’s MASTERPIECE. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we …


I know The Painter

Do you ever feel like God paints the sky just for you? Like He’s personally responding to the prayers you’ve been praying, and the hopes you’ve been hoping for, and the dreams you’ve been desiring? I do. Today was one of those days. Today, I …