You don’t need to know the answer before you ask the question. I remember one time I had a boss who shared, very clearly, that the expectation was to show up to them with multiple solutions and what you’d already done towards those solutions – …
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If you’re a leader…
If you’re a leader and you’re waiting for someone else to go first (or do that thing, or make a move, or find a way, or….), then you’re actually not a leader. You’re a bystander. Even followers are doing something. If you’re after the title …

Solution-focused, not problem-focused
😨 So, your car breaks down because the engine went kaput. What do you do?.1️⃣ Let’s start with an obvious one – you could get the engine repaired. Problem solved..2️⃣ Slightly less obvious, perhaps, but you could replace the entire engine. Again, problem solved..3️⃣ You …