These knees. These knees were in MAJOR, consistent pain a couple of months ago. While I never had a sudden injury, and I’m not 100% certain what caused the pain, I know what has has helped it go away >>> a combination of proper nutrition/hydration dialed in, and proactive fitness.

When I first started working with Competing With Purpose (Rosanna Greenberg and Mitchell Adrian Arce), I was frustrated, feeling like I wasn’t doing what I wanted to be doing for my health. In the background of this image is my vision board, and there’s a whole section dedicated to my personal health, and plenty of touch points about mindset. THANKFULLY, I have the support and accountability to continue taking proper steps to claiming each of these things in my life. My knees are no longer in pain, and I’m doing some serious weights at the gym, getting (lovingly) pushed beyond what I would do if I were on my own (thanks to Mitchell)! And I get consistent encouragement around my words and how to shift into the life I crave (thanks to Rosanna), starting with the words I’m speaking to myself and the support I request from others. I’m so grateful to not have to go about this journey on my own.

Results have consistently shown that having the support of a coach makes a MASSIVE difference in what I get out of the effort I put in. It’s exponentially improved the outcome and is helping me get my desired results faster, and earn them with a solid foundation. I’m only two months in and while not everything is visible yet (still workin’ on those abs ….. I was told I get to eat my way there 😂😋), there have been tangible changes that are steady, and I’m only part way through the program. Excited to see what the next 4 months bring!!