Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 Articles

Gym vs. Nutrition

What’s the best thing for me to focus on if I want results? Working out at the gym? Or my nutrition? ? Gym = external force to create internal change Nutrition = internal transformation to see external results One thing I’m so baffled by is …


Wound Care: Healing from the Inside Out

I’ve been doing a deep dive lately into some inner healing, and among some great resources I’ve been using, I especially want to highlight this book >>> Wound Care: Healing from the Inside Out, by Dana Piper (maiden name = Dana Adams * ? Among …


Knee pain

These knees. These knees were in MAJOR, consistent pain a couple of months ago. While I never had a sudden injury, and I’m not 100% certain what caused the pain, I know what has has helped it go away >>> a combination of proper nutrition/hydration …



Thinking back to how *sick* I was during this photoshoot. Sometimes you really can fake yourself into feeling better, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. When you look back at the biggest/ most exciting/ most impactful MOMENTS in your life, …