🙃 They say if you fake a smile, it’s actually cueing your body to shift into a state of happiness. Pretty cool, right?
Well, you can do the same thing by striking a power pose – and, I’ve got a few other ways you can trick yourself into a better mood, none of which require any special skills or loads of time.
😎 MOISTURIZE as soon as you get out of the shower. Face and body.
😎 DANCE while you’re getting ready – my breakfast gets a show every morning while I sauté those onions and cook those eggs.
😎 BREATHE in deeply through your nose, while expanding your rib cage (not lifting your shoulders) and do a purposeful (and lengthier-than-normal) exhale through your mouth to let go of anything weighing you down.
😎 ABSORB the warmth of the sunshine and let it beam proudly on your beautiful face. Close those eyes and soak it in, down to your bones.
😎 ENGAGE your core. While you’re dancing, while you’re cooking, while you’re striking your power pose, etc. It’s a great way to feel empowered.
Step aside, power pose – we’ve got some new kids on the block!
But, actually, wait. No, hold on. Don’t go. You’re pretty alright, too, power pose. But you can’t keep hogging that corner of the market all to yourself 🤪 It’s time to share the spotlight.
And, if you get the chance to have your hair and makeup done, borrow a stellar outfit, and have the wind blowing your hair during a photoshoot with a friend – do it! It’s so much fun!!