If these eyes could talk, they would tell you…

👀 We’ve known tears
👀 We’ve seen visions
👀  We’ve got great eyesight
👀 We’ve watched death take place before them
👀 We’ve watched life come to be
👀 We’ve sparkled with joy
👀 We’ve appeared lifeless and void
👀 We’ve invited conversations
👀 We’ve shot smiles across a room
👀 We’ve given me away
👀 We’ve squinted in the bright sunshine of the day
👀 We’ve squinted in the darkest moments of night
👀 We’ve experienced excruciating pain
👀 We’ve expressed a myriad of emotions
👀 We’ve felt the stinging pain of dryness
👀 We’ve had uninvited visitors intrude (eyelashes, I’m talkin’ to you)
👀 We’ve said things I couldn’t articulate with words
👀 We’ve been caught staring
👀 We’ve glared firebolts of anger
👀 We’ve looked into people’s souls
👀 We’ve avoided eye contact
👀 We’ve rolled…big time

All of this, and we’re grateful. We’re thankful. We’re looking forward to what’s ahead!