Showing: 1 - 10 of 22 Articles

These eyes

If these eyes could talk, they would tell you… ? We’ve known tears? We’ve seen visions?  We’ve got great eyesight? We’ve watched death take place before them? We’ve watched life come to be? We’ve sparkled with joy? We’ve appeared lifeless and void? We’ve invited conversations? …


If I do this, then……

For years I was caught in the trap of “if I invest in this program / coach / thing, then __________ in my life will change.” And, while I’m still a HUGE believer in investing in programs / coaches / etc. to help with growth, …


A Case for Grace

Growth and Grace ??? God gave me this name back in 2016, and it’s been an ever-expanding foundation of how I live my life, with grace being especially front and center for me lately. Growth wasn’t a concept I was actively aware of and seeking …


Shhhhh. That’s not very nice.

You’ve heard me say “if it’s not your news to share, then don’t share it” and with that comes another thing I believe strongly in, which is “if you wouldn’t say it TO them, don’t say it ABOUT them.” I’m as guilty as the next …


5 years ago today

? 5 years ago today, on March 31, 2017, my mom and I (and Cashmere) were off on an adventure down the coast – on our way to move me to San Diego, CA! Just a month prior, I had declared to a small group …


Tiers of Gratitude

You’ve heard me talk about gratitude before, so this isn’t a new concept. But as I’ve been practicing it more and more, I’ve noticed some patterns that I’ve been walking out with it, and want to share with you my Tiers of Gratitude. Tier 1 …


You might be a people pleaser if

You might be a redneck if……no, kidding. I’ll let Jeff Foxworthy keep that line of detailing. I want to talk about being a people pleaser. You might be a people pleaser if: ? as soon as you share your opinion, and someone else shares a …