Letting go vs. giving up. What’s the difference? I had this conversation with a girlfriend earlier this week, specifically referring to desires that haven’t happened yet, and it opened up an interesting dialogue. I’ve been in a season of releasing lately. Surrender. Letting go. Call …
big life
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But, would you move?
“Would you move for your husband?” It’s a question I’ve been asked before, but today I asked myself a different version: “If God told you that your husband didn’t live in San Diego, would you give up and tell Him “never mind – I guess …

Annoyingly UNcomfortable
I’m writing this while sipping a glass of white wine and for those who know me – they know that’s significant! For someone who has maybe 2ish drinks per year, tonight just called for one.. This has been an annoyingly UNcomfortable week. Like, OBNOXIOUS..But…Thank God for friends …