I’m writing this while sipping a glass of white wine and for those who know me – they know that’s significant! For someone who has maybe 2ish drinks per year, tonight just called for one.
This has been an annoyingly UNcomfortable week. Like, OBNOXIOUS.
Thank God for friends who made it that way!
Thank God for friends who see potential for breakthrough that I wasn’t seeing for myself.
Thank God for friends who don’t just talk at you, but who walk with you.
You’ve heard that “growth doesn’t happen inside the comfort zone” and while I’m a firm believer of that, I don’t always like it!
This week has been full of confronting realizations, each prompted by seemingly small comments. Comments that were innocent enough, but chock-full of wisdom. Comments that challenged my “familiar” mindset.
The frustration (aka “blessing”) of being friends with people who genuinely care about you, is that they’ll happily point out your blind spots! Almost with a “wink” as if to say “this will unlock something you weren’t aware of and we’re more excited for that than your comfort.”
It’s both wonderful (long term) and so incredibly ANNOYING (in the moment)!
You know. You’ve experienced it. All is well, you’re just enjoying great conversation, meandering down various interesting topics, and then they say something. They touch on something you weren’t anticipating – something that’s meaningful, poignant, and personal …….. and …….. TRIGGER ACTIVATED
We’ve all been there – that place where the triggers run rampant – where everything sort of rubs you the wrong way. I seem to be spending more time “there” this week ((eye roll))
And honestly, it has really sucked. GROWTH really sucks sometimes, in the short term, because you finally SEE the possibility of the breakthrough you weren’t aware of, but you’re not yet living in it fully. Can I get an “amen!”?
This week, while there have been many wonderful parts, has been thick with frustrating revelations and self awareness that I don’t like. If you’ve ever been in the midst of growth, I’m confident you know what I mean.
But be encouraged + it does get better!
Growth is a magnificently blessed endeavor – but it’s not for the faint of heart!! When we’re willing to let go of what’s familiar to step into the unknown, that’s where BIG life starts
It’s never ever comfortable, but I’ll argue all day long that the discomfort of the unknown is worth every ounce of annoyance in letting go of the discomfort of what’s familiar.
GO FOR IT! Seek the “discomfort” of the unknown that’s taunting you.
If you’ve been prompted to step into the unknown, or you’re sensing that there’s unknown approaching, welcome it with open arms and jump ALL THE WAY IN!
The only thing more painful than being in the stretch of an unknown (fear), is resisting (denial) said stretch and needing to manage the emotions of denial AND fear, instead of just “fear” by itself…which is really just excitement, in disguise.
Allow your friends to walk with you, encourage you, and call you forward – out of the familiar (uncomfortable, and claustrophobic) into the unknown (also uncomfortable, but expansive).
There’s a new level of liberation that happens when you allow yourself to LET GO and GO ALL IN!
And that BIG LIFE of liberation is available to you know, if you simply LET GO and GO ALL IN!
Rootin’ for ya’!
Shot by David Shirley