Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Happy 35th

I’m 35 today. And to be honest, I’m STOKED about it! And, if you were wondering, I was indeed born ON my due date, at 6:02am PST. #Shocker I know! Perhaps this plays into why I’m a morning person, who does accountability coaching, and is strict with …


Tomorrow’s the big day

ONE. MORE. SLEEP 💤 I think I’m more excited for this birthday than I have been for any other birthday in my whole life 😃🥳😁.🤷‍♀️ Is it the perspective that I’m about to step into brand new territory? Maybe..🤷‍♀️ Is it the hope that this …


Goodbye, 34

34, you’ve been GREAT to me and I’m excited to carry your joy and wisdom with me as I cross into 35..While there’s nothing terribly extraordinary about transitioning from one day to the next, I must say, 35 feels BIG to me. Not exactly sure …