Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles

This wasn’t just another Friday

•••••••••••••••••••For some, this is just another day – the middle of the month – nothing special.•But for me, this is a day that marks the end of an era.•For this past decade I’ve had the absolute privilege of working alongside Amy Yamada•We’ve partnered in many ways …


Stand out

? Analogy incoming ?.If this ❤POP❤ of red represented something that you excel at in your life, what would it be?.Something which stands out from the everyday. Something people take notice of ?.I was recently asked to provide a list of 3️⃣ topics I could …


Season of Refreshing

?Takin’ a quick breather. Feels like a bit of recovery mode happenin’ over here today as catch my breath..?It’s been a FUN season, and a FULL season…and while I’m certainly excited for things ahead, I’m being mindful to not slip into overload (which has been …