🌬Takin’ a quick breather. Feels like a bit of recovery mode happenin’ over here today as catch my breath.
💯It’s been a FUN season, and a FULL season…and while I’m certainly excited for things ahead, I’m being mindful to not slip into overload (which has been a past tendency of mine). This has probably been one of, if not the most “balanced” feeling seasons I’ve ever walked through (productive, relaxing, peace-filled, and life-giving).
⚠️And at the same time, it’s one of the stretchiest-feeling for me. Lots of growing pains >>> saying “no” when my default was “find a way to make it work,” and leaning into the support of others instead of running on my own. It’s been me reaching out and asking for help when I’m feeling stuck, and definitely letting go of the desire to be liked….new boundaries are being set, and while it’s partly liberating, it’s partly really hard because I don’t like disappointing people. 🤦‍♀️ Who else? I know I’m not alone in that.
✔But all that said, overall, I’m actually really enjoying this season a lot. Grateful to have already had a virtual business, so the transition was minimal. Thankful to have already been familiar with technology to be able to jump into “everything gone virtual” with ease. Appreciative for a flexible schedule and a few rebel friends who have had me over so I don’t go full blown crazy cat lady mode LOL!
🔎What IS working for you in this season? What are you loving? What will you continue? What have you learned to let go of?
I 100% believe this is a REFRESHING season! Let’s claim it and live that out! 🙋‍♀️ Who’s with me?!
Season of Refreshing