Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles

Asking for a friend

Hahahaha!! Someday I will have a FABULOUS story to tell about all the times I caught the bouquet and what it transpired into. For now, it’s been 3 times and 3rd time hasn’t been the charm just yet ? ? Laura Kogle + Jaron Kogle …


Single on Valentine’s day…again

Romantic lunch for 6. Yep. Me and @fiveguys  – #dadjoke 😉 Get it?! ? The goods are below ?? While it’s been 11 years since I’ve had a Valentine on Valentine’s Day, I can honestly say, this has been the most JOY-FILLED Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had! ?.Do …


Single Mix and Mingle Update

? About last night……well, it was fun! Tons of great people, lots of flowing conversation, and plenty of opportunities to connect with new friends..❓As for the question I’ve been getting all day today “Did you meet anyone last night?!” ?  ((…..drum roll, please…..?)).? No..? I …


Single Mix and Mingle

 You guys know that I am willing to be vulnerable in put myself out there, and tonight I am asking for your prayers .I have done the online dating thing, the matchmaking thing, the being set up thing, and even the speed dating thing …. and …