Whatever it is you’re walking with… Bring it to Him. Disappointment. Anticipation. Betrayal. Joy. Confusion. Excitement. Tragedy. Laughter. Sorrow. Forgiveness. Anger. Delight. Frustration. Something sweet. Something hard. Something cheerful. Something unfathomable. God can handle it ALL. And, the thing is… He WANTS to. He wants …
Cost of living is so far beyond financial
Cost of living is so far beyond financial, though that’s often the only context in which we think about it. You know, rent and insurance and bills go up because “cost of living” has increased. Yada yada yada… But have you thought about the personal …
Asking for a friend
Hahahaha!! Someday I will have a FABULOUS story to tell about all the times I caught the bouquet and what it transpired into. For now, it’s been 3 times and 3rd time hasn’t been the charm just yet ? ? Laura Kogle + Jaron Kogle …
Single Mix and Mingle Update
? About last night……well, it was fun! Tons of great people, lots of flowing conversation, and plenty of opportunities to connect with new friends..❓As for the question I’ve been getting all day today “Did you meet anyone last night?!” ? ((…..drum roll, please…..?)).? No..? I …
Single Mix and Mingle
You guys know that I am willing to be vulnerable in put myself out there, and tonight I am asking for your prayers .I have done the online dating thing, the matchmaking thing, the being set up thing, and even the speed dating thing …. and …