I know this can be a gruesome or heavy-feeling topic, but I’d like to bring some levity to it, and highlight it from a less fatal standpoint.
Let’s imagine that you were about to be introduced to a group of people.
❓ How would you want that introduction to go?
❓ What would you want them to say about you?
❓ What would you hope they highlight about you?
❓ What would you hope they avoid mentioning?
You could say that the introduction you’re hoping for may be the equivalent of an epitaph that would be shared at your funeral – but how cool that you’d get to enjoy it while you’re still alive!
And the “epitaph” could be considered your personal tagline. What would be the quick one-liner someone would use to describe you to someone who didn’t know you?
As for the “coffin” that could be considered the parts of you that are not receiving life and fresh air – perhaps the parts of you that have taken a back burner, been forgotten about, or just are being flat out neglected.
What are those areas?
And what’s one tiny thing you can do today to bring life back to those areas?
It doesn’t mean you have to get out the defibrillators, but you might need to do some more intensive work to bring health back to your life in those areas.
Start today, and do something. One thing. Just start.
And as a brief aside, if there are things in your “eulogy” that you hope people avoid talking about, is it because there’s shame around it? Or because it’s still an open wound that hasn’t healed? Or?
Now’s a great time to start working through those things.
We’ve all done things in life that we’re not proud of. ALL of us. No need to focus on them. If we focus on making the impact we’re here to make, then those won’t be the things people who’d be giving your eulogy focus on. And the people who would choose to focus on those things aren’t the people who’d have a voice at your funeral in the first place, so rest easy (RIP >to> REIP)!