• Knowing their favorite color doesn’t make you a great friend.
  • Knowing their childhood hometown doesn’t make you a great friend.
  • Knowing the name of their favorite band doesn’t make you a great friend.

That makes you an information knower.

What makes you a great friend is when you actually know THEM.

  • You know what makes them tick.
  • You know what lights them up.
  • You know how to speak life into their darkness.
  • How to call out their best when it’s trying to hide.
  • How to draw out their gold.
  • How to encourage them when they’re having a dreary season.

You know who they truly are, and you know when they’re “off.”

You know when it’s an insecurity talking vs. them.

You know how to celebrate their win, even if you haven’t had that win yourself yet.

You know what they’re capable of, and you’re willing to fiercely (and lovingly) stand in their way if they try to shy away from being all they can be.

You know when fear is driving their choices, and you’re willing to call them on it.

You know if there’s something that they’re not saying, and you’re willing to stick with them as they figure out how to articulate it.

You know what else? These are ALL attributes of a great coach, too!!

And, while a coach in no way is meant to replace a friend, they can be an excellent enhancement to your life. An unbiased support system, who can help you navigate life, reflecting back to you what they see/hear, and encourage you into your decisions from a neutral place (since they, unlike your loved ones, are not impacted by your decisions).

If you’re reading this and oh so wishing you had support like this from someone, then allow me to introduce myself ?

This is what I get to do with my clients, and I’d love to support you in this way, too! So, ladies, if you’re reading this and so wishing you had gal pals to do life with, and you feel like there’s so much more to life than what you’re squeezing out of it, then join my Growth and Grace mentorship. We talk #allthethings and it’s actively equipping you to live an awesome, rich, full, blessed life!

Are you curious if you’re ready to step into that and what it would look like? Email me at growthandgracelife@gmail.com and we’ll connect about it!