I’ve had the privilege of receiving the most beautiful support these last 24 hours after a less-than-desirable experience.
What happened isn’t important (and need not draw concern), but I really wanted to highlight something that will hopefully help someone ????
What I’m taking away from this whole experience (not limiting it to the initial undesirable part) is the potency of how the most beautiful support is only evident and able to be received if you’re VULNERABLE.
Had I not shared with anyone, the healing would still take place because God is GOOD, and He is kind, but I would have missed out on the wholeness that comes through community.
The most beautiful support has been given, but it came at the exchange of some uncomfortable sharing.
I’ve been brought nearly to tears by the way trusted individuals have gathered around me, stood up for what’s right, and came to my aid when the situation wasn’t resolvable on my own.
I’m sure we’ve all experienced times in our life where we wanted support and didn’t get it.
Or maybe you “got it” but it wasn’t what you were hoping for.
Or worse, the “support” added to the weight of what you were already walking through.
Can I encourage you to go again? Be vulnerable again.
???? People can be clumsy in their attempts to help.
???? Or they can be deaf to the need and not offer support when it’s so desperately desired.
???? Or they may even know there’s a need and simply not have the bandwidth or heart to offer support of any kind.
But you know what? The most beautiful support will NEVER be experienced if you keep people shut out.
Is there a risk of being hurt or misunderstood, or even betrayed? For sure!
But the wholeness of community is completely missed if you keep everyone at an arm’s length.
LET (trusted) PEOPLE IN.
Your life will be richer for it.
To the ones who’ve joined me in this latest “experience” – THANK YOU!
I’m in awe of who God has brought into my life, and ever so thankful for you and your support ????