? I had a really hard conversation today. And it went SO MUCH BETTER than I was expecting ?.Here are the 4 things that helped it go so well:➕Prayer – before and during I was inviting God into the conversation and asking Him for guidance …
here we go
New Year’s Eve 2020
⭐2020⭐.? It’s not over yet..There’s still time ✅.This year can be whatever ?YOU? make of it..What will YOU decide about it?.For me, it’s been a year of:➕EXPANSION➕GRIT➕FLOW➕REVELATION➕FRIENDSHIP➕PRAYER➕LEARNING.…and so much more! We still have many hours left in this year, month, and day. What a BLESSING …
Single Mix and Mingle Update
? About last night……well, it was fun! Tons of great people, lots of flowing conversation, and plenty of opportunities to connect with new friends..❓As for the question I’ve been getting all day today “Did you meet anyone last night?!” ? ((…..drum roll, please…..?)).? No..? I …
Single Mix and Mingle
You guys know that I am willing to be vulnerable in put myself out there, and tonight I am asking for your prayers .I have done the online dating thing, the matchmaking thing, the being set up thing, and even the speed dating thing …. and …
Have that conversation
Lovingly HAVE THAT CONVERSATION that you’ve been putting off. You know the one. The one that has you feeling anxious or uncomfortable or fearful or insecure or excited or nervous or _________. **That’s** the one. Not sure how to get started?? Here are some tips to …