Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles

Forcing Gratitude

I’ve definitely felt the (self-imposed) pressure to come up with unique things every single day for my gratitude list. And let me tell you what – that has absolutely robbed me of the joy and purpose of this gratitude practice. It’s not to come up …


Sharpen your knives

PSA: sharpen your knives. And while I’m definitely referring to your actual knives (for, let’s say, hypothetically, cutting some freaking grape tomatoes that just refuse to have any grace for a less-than-razor-sharp-blade ???)….I’m also talking about spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental “knives” that you use …


What day is it?

As of Monday, February 21, 2022: + It’s day 52 of the year.+ It’s day 2 of the week, if you start on the traditional Sunday.+ It’s day 8,088 of the 21st century.+ For me, it’s day 13 of my 100 days-of-blogging-in-a-row. What day is …

Lifestyle Susan's Favorites

How I keep my sanity

If you’re like me, these kinds of article titles have captured my attention, and they’ve either been met with interest or an eye roll.?“Top 10 ways to break through procrastination”?“5 best-kept secrets from today’s millionaires”?“The #1 thing you’re doing wrong in your health”?“Your biggest downfall …


This wasn’t just another Friday

•••••••••••••••••••For some, this is just another day – the middle of the month – nothing special.•But for me, this is a day that marks the end of an era.•For this past decade I’ve had the absolute privilege of working alongside Amy Yamada•We’ve partnered in many ways …