? Have you ever looked ahead at a timeframe and just *known* it was going to be a massive one? ?
Same. I’m looking ahead at these next 6 months like ?! To be honest, I’m feeling a bit “deer in the headlights” ? about all that’s coming up…but it’s my excitement that’s causing me to pause for a moment and stare into the future, not fear ?
I’m blessed to have some very dear women in my life who are invited to, and intentional about, speaking into my life ? Meaning, they have been given full authority to reflect things back to me about what’s not working in my life…even if they know I may not be so thrilled to hear it ?
They have my trust, and I know their feedback is given with love, and from a place of truly wanting the very best for me ? With that, I’ve been having some BIG conversations lately. Conversations that are literally altering the course of my life ? and ones that I know I’ll look back on as pivotal moments in my life.
These conversations have been leading me to:
✔Explore new hobbies ➡️hey, modeling – I’m comin’ for ya’!
✔Expand my business ➡️ one of those expansions being that my mentorship is no longer just for single ladies – I’m building it for all women who want to thoroughly enjoy their life, no matter the stage they’re in
✔Address what’s *really* not working in my life ➡️ uprooting some old mindsets and interrupting patterns I’ve been stuck in
✔Get super uncomfortable and feel like a clumsy novice ➡️ taking on new challenges that will help me grow at unprecedented rates, and giving my brain the chance to really exercise its capacity
✔Try on new ways of seeing myself ➡️ actually sit with the strengths others have reflected to me, and genuinely live from that place, instead of the “smallness” that’s familiar
✔Invest at new levels in myself and my business ➡️ I’m excited to get to be part of the @awakenpathfinderssd Apprenticeship, where I am so confident I’ll be waking up new levels and breaking ceilings all over the place in my life
? It’s going to be a MASSIVE 6 months. I can just feel it. I can confidently say God’s up to something ? and I’m here for it! If you’re reading this and really wanting to have this same confidence and excitement in the unknown, then you’re invited to join me for mentorship!
? We cover #allthethings from lifestyle, to friendship, to God, and it’s designed with YOU in mind – for successful babes and abundant wives who want to make the most of their God-given life!
Curious if you’re ready to step into that and what it would look like? Email me at growthandgracelife@gmail.com and let’s connect!