🙋‍♂️Have you seen this man?
He’s not “missing” per se, but I don’t know where he is 😬
He was last seen:
👉Trusting God daily
👉Enjoying time with his friends
👉Leading other men into their strengths
👉Being a great example of a healthy, masculine man
👉Making people laugh with his wit and humor
👉Killing it in the marketplace
👉Generously giving back to his community
👉Taking care of his body
👉Choosing to grow, spiritually and emotionally
👉Loving on his family
Give or take, he’s likely:
🤷‍♀️Born sometime between 1976-1986
🤷‍♀️Somewhere between 6’3-6’8”
🤷‍♀️Brunette, blond, or salt and pepper (if he has hair)
🤷‍♀️Somewhat of a large, athletic build
🤷‍♀️Darker than me LOL
🤷‍♀️Got kind eyes
🤷‍♀️Smiling his genuine smile
❓It’s so hard to get the specifics nailed down when you’ve never actually met the fella, you know? So, consider those rough estimates.
👀Anyway, if you see him, will you please let him know I’m super excited to meet him?
➡️He can likely find me at Awaken church, walking the bay, or enjoying various little cafes around town.
💥If he’s interested in a stellar life together – enjoying lots of laughter, great food, massive impact, and taking territory for the Kingdom – have him get in touch with me!
🤵‍♂️👰‍♀️If he wants a sneak peak of what our life could be, he can take a peek here.