Your value, identity, and worth DOES NOT COME FROM OTHER PEOPLE!
It’s also not determined by your feelings or your experience or your beliefs.
God, your loving creator, knit you together in your mother’s womb.
You are NOT an accident – even if your parents weren’t planning for you.
You are His masterpiece.
You are created on purpose, and with purpose.
You are one of a kind.
The world will try to label you, have you question who you *truly* are, and create confusion around your sanity.
The world will try to bait you, hook you, and trap you into lies that you’re invisible, that you don’t matter, and that you’re blah or too much or _________
The world is not the decision maker on who you are, and how valuable you are.
YOU are not the decision maker on who you are, and how valuable you are.
God is.
That’s a huge relief, because He’s constant. He’s unchanging – the same yesterday, today, and forever. He’s unwavering, and His word is unfailing.
He’s the only one who’s dependable literally 100% of the time, and what a solid and fierce protector we have in Him.
If you’ve been living with fear, anxiety, confusion, anger, annoyance, frustration, etc…none of that is from God. He has GOOD gifts for you, and wants you to live in freedom from those things.
Friend, He’s a wonderful counselor, companion, confidant, redeemer, healer, and life giver! If you’re craving refreshing, peace, sound sleep, wisdom, health, joy, and freedom, Jesus is the answer
Plain and simple.
You are loved. You are cherished. You are valuable
David Shirley