?️ “I want them to know they are worthy.” he said, as he responded to inquiries about why he chose to donate this home, and leave a legacy for this organization, to bless these ladies.
Those words were spoken by a man who knew he wanted to help ladies heal through their experience from the horrific trauma of trafficking.
When he found himself the owner of this home, he and his wife knew exactly what they wanted to do with it ✨ And WOW have they done an outstanding job!
If you gave to Girls Giving (which benefited GenerateHope this year), I can assure you from the largest measure that you gave to a worthy cause, and to worthy ladies ? and if you are looking for a place to give, you have my highest recommendation to give heartily to GenerateHope!
? It’s not just a safe place to rest (although it is that).
? It’s not just a beautiful environment (although it is that).
? It’s not just an incredible place to learn (although it is that).
? It’s not just a rejuvenating place to heal (although it is that).
? It’s a home of hope.
? A home of peace.
? A home of restoration.
? A home of magnificence.
? A home where dreams are believed again.
? A home of emotional, spiritual, and physical wealth.
? A home where true worth is realized.
? GenerateHope is a safe place for survivors of sex trafficking to heal and find restoration in long-term housing and trauma-informed therapy, education, and vocational support. Since recovery from sexual exploitation is a long-term process, GenerateHope provides safety, community, and individualized life skills support to work through the deep trauma and discover a healthy, purpose-filled life ?
I was struck with awe as I approached this consecrated place to drop off our donations from Girls Giving ?
Every inch is tended to with care, and it radiates healing from the very moment you enter.
I have no idea what all of these beautiful ladies have experienced, or what they walked in carrying, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that they get to walk out free ?
With a holistic approach to healing, these ladies get to experience deep therapy, safe housing, beneficial education, fun activities, and support as they step into their life from a fresh place ?
I’m not entirely sure how to put into words what my experience was touring the grounds today with Annie, but it left an indelible mark on my spirit, and I’m truly humbled to see what God is doing there ?
His fingerprint is all over GenerateHope and what they’re doing, and I’m so thankful to now know about GenerateHope, and so encouraged with all of the ways people can support them ?
Here is a smattering of ways you can get involved with GenerateHope, and I’m sure there are others as well, so don’t be shy in reaching out to them to offer your ideas!
✅ Give financially
✅ Teach a class to the ladies
✅ Share with others about GenerateHope
✅ Offer support as a driver
✅ Collect and donate goods from their wish lists
✅ Volunteer to serve in the home and give staff a respite
✅ Host a fundraiser
If you’ve ever been changed simply by being in the presence of someone or something that’s clearly covered by the Good Lord, then you know what I mean when I say I’m not entirely sure how to put it into words ?
GenerateHope, and the ladies and gentlemen behind this mission, are good and faithful. What a privilege to get to partner with them, and what an honor to take part in blessing all the worthy ladies who reside there ?
You, too, can be part of this, and it is with my utmost encouragement that you seriously consider how you can contribute to GenerateHope ? www.generatehope.org
“May your days be filled with sunshine and your nights with bright stars. May there be peace in your world and love in your heart. May you always have faith to calm your fears and the courage to face them. May your always have joy to share and happiness to fill your soul.“
P.S. Here is the official recap from Girls Giving 2022!