Every single picture on my vision boards are special in their own way, and I like ALL of them.

But, more this year than in the past, I’ve had people ask me “What’s your favorite picture on here?” and I had a clear answer!

My 2023 vision board

It’s never easy to decide (I intentionally choose every single one, and each one represents something meaningful to me), but this year, the answer was simple.

It’s this one 😍 This is my favorite picture from my vision board this year.

You might think it’s because it’s such a CUTE little mouse, and you know I love all animals.

Well, he IS cute, and I DO love all animals, but that’s not why it’s my favorite, or why it’s on my vision board.

It’s my favorite because, to me, it represents HARVEST, and that’s one of the major themes I’m believing for this year ✨ Harvest in many areas of life – each of which has had many seeds planted, watered with prayers.

This picture represents several things for me.

🌷harvest is here, right now – enjoy it!

🌷be joyful, no matter the size of your harvest – it’s all a blessing, whether great or small

🌷celebrate every seed that’s harvested – fields of harvest start as individual seeds, each of which had to spring forth for there to even be a harvest

🌷share your harvest with others – be generous in spreading the blessings

🌷don’t be shy about expressing your joy – it’s magnetic, and invites others in to be blessed as well

🌷go out to the field to collect your harvest – it won’t just be dropped on your doorstep

Look at the JOY on his little face. He’s ecstatic!!

You guys!! Come ON! He’s so elated!

So, more this year than in the past, I’m going to go after my harvest. I’m going out to the field, ready to pick, ready to enjoy, and ready to spread the harvest that’s here!

Happy harvesting!