It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I’m sitting here, weeping 😭 Sweatshirt on, messy ponytail in full effect, and flat white (with a touch of caramel sauce 😉) at my desk.
I wasn’t planning to cry. Truth is, when something wells up within me, tears are the way out 😢 It comes with a variety of emotions, and it flows like a (teeny tiny) river from my eyes 💧
This morning it hit me hard as I read this precious note from my one and only Granny Annie in her Bible 💖 She had been married to my Grandpa Roger for decades before he passed away (nearly 20 years prior).
Their marriage was overflowing with a sweet peace between them, an undying trust, and a strength to withstand the many storms that came their way 🌪️
I received her cherished Bible when she passed, and it’s beyond dear to me 💝
The Lord’s word is meaningful already, but there’s an extra profound sweetness of getting to see His word through her eyes, with her underlines and notations throughout ✍️ mentions of passages which were meaningful to her in different seasons, and for various reasons.
This is from Hosea 2, and she wrote “Successful Marriage requirements” as she underlined scripture in verses 19 and 20.
You all know marriage is the desire of my heart 💕 and I was not expecting this note. Cue the tears 😭
As much as I’d rather have Granny here, I am overflowing with appreciation that her sweet words, encouragement, and prayers remain in her stead.
These tears are a welling from within of a desire that’s stirring to be met 🙏
I’m overwhelmed with gratitude that I had Granny Annie in my life, and that I have generations of beautiful marriages to learn from in my family.
God catches every tear (regardless of the emotion(s) which prompted it), and I’m convinced that He’s using my tears to water a lush garden sanctuary of joy 🌷
“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest.” -Psalms 126:5-6 (NLT)
If you haven’t cried recently, let those tears flow 😁 How, exactly, do you expect your seeds to be watered if you don’t?
P.S. Isn’t her handwriting the cutest?!