When your “funk” wants to turn itself into that “fu_k” cuss word, you know it’s rough ?
Today be like that ?
Well, it WAS like that (…the whole story is below, if you wanna read ?)
I woke up feeling fine, but as I went about my morning (listening to the Bible, mind you), it felt like my joy was leaking out – like the slow descent of an air mattress overnight ↘️
By the time I arrived at women’s prayer this morning, it was ROUGH, and I didn’t want to be there ? I was annoyed at everything, and my attitude was less-than-delightful (read: miserable to be around)!
And, I was met with the news that my website (which houses information we need to access for women’s prayer) was NOT working.
? the LAST thing I needed was news like that.
I got home to check it, and sure enough, not only could I not find it as a user, I couldn’t access the admin panel – it was GONE! ?
(quick backstory) I had just been on the phone with GoDaddy last night to get some things squared away with my website, and was assured during that call that everything was good to go ?
Well, seems that was a farce, and now I had yet another call to pack into my already full day to get things up and running.
So, now my second call to GoDaddy, the guy (who was nice enough, but not really helpful), offered to send me an article so I could fix it myself because they “aren’t trained” on such things and “wouldn’t be able to do anything further” ?
Ugh. Fine. “Thank you?” ? I’ll handle it myself I guess then (worth noting, I am capable of learning, but not a lover of, techy things). He sends me the article, and I’m following along step-by-step inside my GoDaddy account, and there’s a whole section in the help article that’s not anywhere to be found inside my account ?
At this point, I really don’t have anything left to give to this. I’m about to succumb and fork out hundred$, just to have them fix this mess (that feels like it’s their fault, if I’m being honest) ?
Sigh. Susan, gather your strength. You’re gonna need it. You have to make a THIRD call to GoDaddy to get this ((?bleeping?)) issue figured out!
The man who answers has a strikingly similar voice to the man I’d just talked to minutes prior and I was SO disappointed (to say the least) to have to talk with him again when he was NOT helpful! Turns out though, thank the Lord, it wasn’t him ? Day’s looking up already!
This 3rd man, Chris, not only was kind, but also SUPER helpful! It’s one thing to be nice, and it’s an entirely different thing to also be HELPFUL! #BeBoth
He walked me through the steps, cared to ask what my website was for (and actually seemed genuinely interested), and stayed on the phone with me until my site was back up and running ✨
If you’ve ever had an issue that was so frustrating, and in such an area of aversion (?) , the last thing you need is someone who’s just “nice” but not remotely helpful ?
If someone’s coming to you, frustrated, worn out, exacerbated, be nice AND helpful. Be a Chris.
I’m grateful to say that I’m SO much better today! I was able to share with some of my girlfriends today that “I’m feeling really defeated right now. Don’t worry. I know I’m not. But I’m feeling it.”
Thankful for friends who listen and care, and who help pray me into a better state and don’t let me wallow ?
They’re all “Chrises” in my book ?