She Lives Freed. Amen.
What a beautiful, intentional, and divine atmosphere I got to experience this weekend in Texas at the She Lives Freed event.
I’m so grateful that I get to be plugged in at a Holy Spirit-filled church in San Diego (shout out to Awaken), where we move in the power and freedom of ALL God has for us – miracles, signs, and wonders. Where our pastors lead from a place of being fresh, real, and powerful, and where God shows UP, time and time again.
AND, sometimes it’s really lovely to get to be an anonymous attendee at an event, where I just get to receive and fully soak in an atmosphere someone else curated (i.e. this weekend for me).
I got to reconnect with a dear friend (shout out to Amy Ramsey for the invite), meet new friends, and be ministered to in a refreshing way.
There are always new levels to reach, both in depth and in heights. New layers to peel back, and new awareness of freedom to experience. And I was reminded of that yet again this weekend.
Freedom is mine to have – it’s a gift Christ paid for with his life – but, to be honest, it’s not always something I live from.
👎 Sometimes I operate from fear.
👎 Sometimes I operate from sadness.
👎 Sometimes I operate from lack.
And this weekend, I was (beautifully) confronted with how much I’ve been operating from a place of disappointment 😧
Disappointment that was brought on by my own missed expectations.
You see, God’s given me some RADICAL promises for my life 🤯 Like, massive ones. I’m talking global-, generational-, and eternity-impacting promises. And I’m HERE for it!
BUT, I’d found myself in a cycle of let downs, because those promises weren’t happening on MY timeframe or in MY way. Aka, they were missing MY expectations.
I was putting God in a tiny little box, basically telling Him “if these promises don’t happen how I want and when I want, then I’m going to be upset.” #BRATmodeActivated 🙄
And I was just sitting in that ICK. Living a life that was “fine” but dulled. A life that had some impact, but wasn’t shaking the globe. A life of not being satisfied, because I felt like I was just watching it happen instead of participating in it fully. A life of lack. A life that was self-focused instead of fully God-focused.
This weekend, that changed.
I CHOSE to let go of disappointment, and recalibrated to ALL God has for me (which includes complete joy, peace, and FREEDOM – among many other things).
This weekend, I chose to live freed. To fully walk in what God’s promises are to me, which means that I am letting go of MY timeframes, and MY limited imagination of what God’s doing in, to, and through me.
God’s promise to all of us is that He can accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. That He can do far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. (Eph 3:20)
Freedom is letting God do what only He can, in His perfect timing.
Freedom is accepting that He knows best, and letting Him lead the way (even when things look like they’re not at all lining up with how WE would have done them).
Freedom is the freaking BEST!
She Lives Freed (yes, please!).
🤲 It’s not just a cutesy name.
🤲 It’s a way of life.
🤲 It’s God’s gift to us.
🤲 It’s ours for the taking.
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM.” (2 Cor 3:17)
“If the Son sets you FREE, you are truly FREE.” (John 8:36)
FREEDOM is ours, ladies and gentlemen.
🙋♀️ Let us choose to receive it.
🙋♀️ Let us choose to live it.
🙋♀️ Let us choose to invite others into it.
Every limiting thought that you allow to linger is like clasping tightly to a chain that’s bound around you, and then subsequently complaining that life just isn’t working how you thought.
Let go of the chains that are keeping you bound, and step into a life where She Lives Freed!
It’s worth every tear shed and every ounce of discomfort that’s had along the way!
😎 I want to live freed while I’m here and have people say “She Lived Freed” when I’m gone!