Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Will you go there with me?

? LADIES – if you’re feeling a bit lackluster about your life right now, I have some questions for you…if you’re willing to go there with me..❓Do you have an area in life (or more than one) that doesn’t look how you want it to …

Leadership Spiritual

Living in a dichotomy

This week’s been….interesting. Have you ever lived inside of a dichotomy – where two opposite things both appear to be real, at the same time?.This week seems to be full of that experience for me ????.▶️ I’m not alone. But I’m feeling as if I …



SOMETIMES…*My smile isn’t genuine*It’s taking everything in me to simply show up*I don’t feel like being friendly*My social anxiety tries to creep back in*I want to turn my phone off and go silent for a few days*My heart feels an extra heaviness because I’m still …