This week’s been….interesting. Have you ever lived inside of a dichotomy – where two opposite things both appear to be real, at the same time?
This week seems to be full of that experience for me 🙂🙃🤪😑
▶️ I’m not alone. But I’m feeling as if I am.
▶️ I’m actively grateful for my life. But I’m finding plenty of thoughts wandering towards “yeah, but you DON’T have ________…..”
▶️ I’m laughing each day, with real, hearty, genuine gusto. But I’m feeling a deep ache of disappointment in my life.
▶️ I’m reaching out for prayer, and receiving it. But it feels like there’s an impenetrable shield trying to block it all out, and while I *know* they’re shifting things in the supernatural, there aren’t any tangible results in the physical yet.
▶️ I’m literally living a dream life (great friends, thriving church, healthy body, growing business, cute apartment in San Diego, etc). But I’m finding myself trying to figure out how I’m stuck in this place, what feels like a plateau.
Isn’t it interesting how different seasons look?
This is arguably one of, if not THE, smoothest, most peaceful, happiest seasons of my life, and yet it’s like there’s an underlying heaviness trying to detract from all that’s wonderful.
There was a great message at @awakenchurchsd last night by Ps. @pathfindercolin and it helped me pinpoint that my heart is fatigued right now 💔🤕 Lots of output and grieving has me needing a refreshing in my spirit!
If you can relate, know you’re not alone! Know that God’s so capable of and willing to handle all your emotions, and He’s with you and for you (even when you don’t feel it).
I’m learning this first hand as I’ve been having lots of “Dude, where You AT?” conversations with Him 😏 Let’s just say, His grace is impressive.
Just give it a shot. Say a prayer. Seek Him. You may feel clumsy (hi 👋 me, too) but it’s so much better than going it alone.
Pinky promise 😉
📷 @expressionsbymeiphotography