Dear, Husband????
???? Tonight, I talked with a couple who’s been married 55 years. He couldn’t hear well, and didn’t know why his wife was talking about 55 deer ???? ????
???? Tonight, I followed a great horned owl on my walk, and listened to him “hoo hoo” from the perch of a palm tree, right on my block.
???? Tonight, I met a German Shepard named Chief ????
???? Tonight, I heard a “buzz buzz buzz” when I got home, and realized there was a bee stuck to my ponytail ???? He got released back to the great outdoors!
???? Tonight, I took photos of a girl and her pup with the sunset, on the bay, and it was spectacular ✨ And the dog’s name was Huckleberry, for those wanting to know ????
???? Tonight, I cried on my walk, and wished my hand were in yours.
It’s been an interesting last few months, and as layers of healing continue, certain things just seem to cue the tears ????
Usually it’s not a surprise why ???? once I stop and listen to what my feelings are telling me.
But it’s rarely convenient, and tonight was a bit of a wrestle to shift into gratitude ???? and as a lovely bonus, I wasn’t wearing sunglasses ???? so there was no tucking the tears away quietly ????
???? Tonight, I’m sure more healing took place. I was reminded that God only ever reveals things for a purpose – to heal something, to re-ignite faith for something, or to remind us what’s possible with Him.
???? Tonight, it was the couple married for 55 years that struck my sensitivity and brought the tears as I walked away – wondering if I’ll ever get to experience that with you ????
But God’s so good to have prompted me to listen to an amazing message this morning that reminded me that God redeems time ???? it was fresh hydration for when I was feeling parched ????
And just last week, God told me that He’s not just a Redeemer, He’s also a Re-DREAMer ????
So here’s to…
⭐ All the dreams that God’s bringing back!
⭐ All the dried up hopes that He’s reviving.
⭐ All the plans of His that are STILL yes and amen, even if they are still “yet to pass.”
Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness, Your faithfulness, and Your Word ????
And thank You, Lord, for my hot hubby ???? AMEN