I can assure you that God’s good for it.
That promise He made you that hasn’t come to pass yet? Yup. Even that.
That sass you’re giving Him because of it? Yup. Even that.
That thing you just haven’t quite seemed to be able to let go of yet? Yup. Even that.
God’s good for it.
He can handle it.
He will come through.
He is more than capable of supporting you.
I’ve been reminded lately that…
👍Just because things don’t look how I thought they would (or should) doesn’t mean that God’s not moving powerfully in that situation.
👍Just because it’s not on my timeline doesn’t mean God forgot.
👍Just because there’s been a roller coaster of emotions doesn’t mean God’s peace isn’t readily available.
👍Just because I don’t get it doesn’t mean it’s screwed up and won’t work.
But boy oh boy can I go into drama mode sometimes, thinking of all the ways that it may not go how I want, and how the promise maybe isn’t for me after all – all because I’ve been putting my trust in ME (or the situation or someone else) instead of putting my trust in God.
More and more I’m seeing how regularly I’ve been doing that. And then when I (inevitably) fail or fall short, it’s so easy to forget that God’s actually had it this whole time and it’s all going to work out.
WHY do we do this?! Why do we ever try to take things on instead of just easily trusting God with our whole life, for the entirety of our life?
Well, impatience. Misguided advice. Feelings of betrayal. Past disappointments. To name a few…
The Bible lays it out really clearly for us in Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV): “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
Can I invite you to actually do that though? Like, really do it. And let go of needing to know the “how” and getting all the details. I promise that makes it wayyyy easier.
And as one wise woman reminded me of, I need to look at HIS track record and not mine. He’s reliable 100% of the time.
And if things just are not going as you’d planned, you can trust that God’s still good for it. There’s just a very high chance it won’t look like what you thought.