⭐ Let’s talk fashion for a second. You know how sometimes you wear something and the whole time you’re wearing it you’re thinking “? ugh. I do NOT love this. Note to self ? get rid of this when I get home” but then you get home and forget, so you put it back in your closet, and then it happens again the next time you wear it…? #ViciousCycle ?
? Yeah, same. I just had an experience earlier when I saw a shirt in my drawer that I’d said that exact thing about. And it was just sitting there – boldly in my drawer – as if it didn’t know how much I disliked it! The nerve ?
Here’s the revelation that hit me as soon as I saw the shirt though…. God said “it’s the same thing with your attitude” ?
? He was sharing with me about how so often WE ARE AWARE THAT WE DON’T LIKE A PARTICULAR ATTITUDE we have, and yet, we choose to wear it again anyway. Because it’s familiar. Because it’s there. Because “it’ll do.”
He showed me that so often we don’t like how we feel when we’re in that attitude, and that if we don’t take the time to actually throw it away and clear it out of our emotional closet, so to speak, IT WILL REMAIN IN OUR ROTATION BECAUSE WE ARE ALLOWING IT ?♀️
? Hi, God. Okay – I get it!! That’s enough. I don’t want to be thinking about this right now because I DON’T LIKE HOW ACCURATE THIS IS!!! Can’t a girl just have an “off” day sometimes and wear the ill-fitting garment (or attitude)? ?
Well, yes. I mean – we CAN. But why would we want to?! Hear me out, I love my yoga pants as much as I love me a cocktail dress…but I NEVER feel good when my outfit is sloppy ? Not to say you have to be dressed to the nines and “on” all the time, but even your sweats can be good ones ? Ladies, even your granny panties you wear on your period can be nice ones. Yup, I said it.
EVEN THEN, our attitudes can be good, because when we choose to eliminate the negative attitudes from our emotional wardrobe, and therefore they’re no longer options – we only have quality to choose from ? So, regardless of the circumstances around us, regardless of the occasion we’re dressing for, we can still have only quality options to choose from ?
Mind trip ? This one’s taking me some time to absorb because it hit pretty close to home. I don’t know about you, but even though I’m pretty good about getting things out that aren’t quality, I still have some lingering “articles of clothing” (aka “attitudes”) that need to be thrown out. And they may have gotten to stick around longer if I hadn’t gotten this download earlier!
God’s so gracious to give examples so clearly ? He wasn’t beating me over the head with it, or making me feel guilty about it, or pointing out all of the times I have worn a bad attitude (thanks, Big Guy!) ?
He was sweetly bringing it to my attention so I could handle it! He was highlighting it for me, gently, in a way I could so easily relate to.
? Isn’t it cool how He speaks to us?! He’s always willing to give us breakthrough, share revelations, and tenderly heal our wounds — when we let Him. He won’t force Himself into our life. But He’s always ready to be with us in our life. It’s simply up to us to let Him in.
? If you’re wanting revelations like this, and wanting to hear from God more clearly, and wishing you could get downloads straight from the Holy Spirit, then I’ll invite you to ask God for it. Seek Him. Invite Him into your life ?
It may look like:
⚠️surrendering pride (this is one I consistently get to do)
⚠️giving up things that are temporal (instant gratification, I’m talking to you) for things that have longevity (fruits of the spirit, heyyyy!)
⚠️making some drastic changes in your life (letting go of attitudes that have stuck around for a long time is no small venture)
⚠️nothing you thought it would look like (that’s *very* much God’s M.O.)
But it’ll be worth it! Promise!
Just ask Him!