Living in perpetual summer is quite possibly one of my favorites ☀
Sunshine, sleeveless shirts, coral pants, and perfect temperatures are just a few of the benefits of America’s Finest City 🏅
Not to mention the best church in the world, the huge population of dogs, and the fact that every activity you could want is within just a few hours, all year long! 😀
I recently celebrated 4 years of living in this cute little apartment of mine, and it just keeps getting better 💕
Interesting how the more gratitude we have, the more we have to be grateful for 🤔
If you’ve been feeling a frustration around not being where you want to be in life yet (the standard mark of a high achiever 😅), this is a handy little trick to help you appreciate the season you’re in.
Gratitude. Appreciation. Thankfulness. The more you give, the more you have 🔄
If you’re wanting more support with this (and all the life things!) then Growth and Grace mentorship is for 👉YOU👈
We talk about lifestyle, friendships, communication, fashion, God, and #allthethings that will support you as a successful babe 💋
Curious if you’re ready to step into that and what it would look like? Email me at and let’s connect!