Showing: 1 - 9 of 9 Articles

Asking for a friend

Hahahaha!! Someday I will have a FABULOUS story to tell about all the times I caught the bouquet and what it transpired into. For now, it’s been 3 times and 3rd time hasn’t been the charm just yet ? ? Laura Kogle + Jaron Kogle …

Lifestyle Relationships

Gal pals

Take me back here ?.This night was full of celebration, laughter, friends, delicious food, photoshoots, ambiance, dressing up, and good ol’ fun ?.Nights like these are so necessary, completely delightful, and potently impactful towards a beautiful life ?.Life isn’t meant to be just work, eat, …


Have you seen this man?

?‍♂️Have you seen this man?.He’s not “missing” per se, but I don’t know where he is ?.He was last seen:?Trusting God daily?Enjoying time with his friends?Leading other men into their strengths?Being a great example of a healthy, masculine man?Making people laugh with his wit and …

Leadership Lifestyle

It’s almost time

 It’s. Almost. Time. Y’all have heard me talk about my upcoming mentorship (or maybe not yet …. but you’re about to ) and I’m officially opening doors THIS WEEK!  hear ye, hear ye: If you are a SINGLE LADY who’s excited to get married, and wants to …


Single Mix and Mingle Update

? About last night……well, it was fun! Tons of great people, lots of flowing conversation, and plenty of opportunities to connect with new friends..❓As for the question I’ve been getting all day today “Did you meet anyone last night?!” ?  ((…..drum roll, please…..?)).? No..? I …


Single Mix and Mingle

 You guys know that I am willing to be vulnerable in put myself out there, and tonight I am asking for your prayers .I have done the online dating thing, the matchmaking thing, the being set up thing, and even the speed dating thing …. and …