I’ve been studying marriage the last few years – learning what I can before I get to step into it. Not some crash course to cram for a test, but really soaking in and discovering the ins and outs, the ups the downs, the how …
abundant wife

Abundant Wife mini series is here
I finally get to share that ABUNDANT WIFE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been on my heart since 2018, and I’ve had the privilege of interviewing nearly 60 abundant wives during that time, to learn from them what works + what doesn’t, and to gain insights …

Abundant Wife mini series launch teaser
Let’s start off by saying, some things take longer than planned. For SURE this fun Abundant Wife project has been one of those things. It’s been hours (and hours and hours) of wisdom-packed audio interviews with some of the most Abundant Wives on this planet, …

Dear, Husband (March 30, 2021 edition)
💗 Dear Hubs – I’ve been thinking a lot about you this week. And, to be honest, I have mixed emotions..🖐 Not about you – I’m *fully* excited to meet fun, talented, sweet, ambitious YOU!.🙃🤪😑 No, my mixed emotions are a variety of what I’m …