Agree or disagree? Gratitude is movement. It’s been an interesting topic that’s been on my mind lately, and what struck my mind today during the event I’m at is that gratitude IS movement. Sometimes we can feel so STUCK, and we can’t seem to figure …

Goal Setting Stress
🥴 If the idea of “goal setting” causes your stress levels to skyrocket 😰 then this post is for YOU! I’ve been having this conversation with a girlfriend lately, and (if you can believe it), I actually have a bit of an aversion to “goal …

God’s good for it
I can assure you that God’s good for it..That promise He made you that hasn’t come to pass yet? Yup. Even that..That sass you’re giving Him because of it? Yup. Even that..That thing you just haven’t quite seemed to be able to let go of …

Letting go vs. Giving up
Letting go vs. giving up. What’s the difference? I had this conversation with a girlfriend earlier this week, specifically referring to desires that haven’t happened yet, and it opened up an interesting dialogue. I’ve been in a season of releasing lately. Surrender. Letting go. Call …

But, would you move?
“Would you move for your husband?” It’s a question I’ve been asked before, but today I asked myself a different version: “If God told you that your husband didn’t live in San Diego, would you give up and tell Him “never mind – I guess …

Prophetic Question
I had (what I consider to be ) an interesting question come out of me yesterday, and I’m so curious what your answer is! What do you wish someone would prophesy over your life Like, what do you want so badly that would part terrify but mostly excite you …

We are not capable of dreaming of anything we are not capable of
“We are not capable of dreaming of anything we are not capable of.” ~S. Brennan Let that land. Then take off with your big dreams!