Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles

I’d rather have it than not

I remember being at a time in my life where I told one of my mentors “if one more person asks me to put together a gratitude list I’m gonna lose my mind. I don’t freaking have anything to be grateful for.” I’m sure she …


God’s good for it

I can assure you that God’s good for it..That promise He made you that hasn’t come to pass yet? Yup. Even that..That sass you’re giving Him because of it? Yup. Even that..That thing you just haven’t quite seemed to be able to let go of …


Letting go vs. Giving up

Letting go vs. giving up. What’s the difference? I had this conversation with a girlfriend earlier this week, specifically referring to desires that haven’t happened yet, and it opened up an interesting dialogue. I’ve been in a season of releasing lately. Surrender. Letting go. Call …


But, would you move?

“Would you move for your husband?” It’s a question I’ve been asked before, but today I asked myself a different version: “If God told you that your husband didn’t live in San Diego, would you give up and tell Him “never mind – I guess …


One month until my BIRTHDAY

Well well well, guess what’s coming UP?! My BIRTHDAY! #36 is right around the corner, and I have exactly one month to plan my most epic one yet! And here’s what I’ve realized about myself over the years – I used to be so judgy …

Leadership Relationships

Dear, future self

😎 Oh, hey there, future self!.💝I see you up there, rockin’ out your awesome life, thriving in your lane, and enjoying every rich relationship God has blessed you with..💝I see you and your unrestrained confidence, your consistent growth, and your genuine enjoyment of the BIG …