Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 Articles

The Musings of Susan

?The Musings of Susan ?Organized Humor ?Suzieechickee ?Miss Messy Bun Inspires ?Growth and Grace ?Successful Babe ?Abundant Wife Each of these have been my “brand” at one point or another in my life, and none of them have ever quite struck me like “Growth and …


Past failures are NOT good future filters

Past failures are NOT good future filters. And before you get your panties in a bunch because “there’s no such thing as “failure” just “learning through experience” ?” Chill. Failure IS actually a real thing (/ˈfālyər/ noun: lack of success, the omission of expected or …


One month until my BIRTHDAY

Well well well, guess what’s coming UP?! My BIRTHDAY! #36 is right around the corner, and I have exactly one month to plan my most epic one yet! And here’s what I’ve realized about myself over the years – I used to be so judgy …


Learning to Dream Again

For years, I’ve practiced making vision boards, sharing publicly about what I’m going after in life, and letting people into what’s been working well (as well as things I’ve learned the hard way)..I’ve happily shared because it was easy to talk about dreams and what …


Wall flower no more

Caught mid-speech. I used to hide. I used to pretend I didn’t have anything to say. I used to shrink back. I used to hate talking with people because I didn’t feel like I had anything to contribute – and quite honestly, I wasn’t comfortable …


I’m going to be a success story

So, some of you know (and now the rest of you are about to) that I’ve really been struggling, this last year especially, with feeling lackluster about life. Full blown (“high functioning”) depression. Lots of loss has happened, and the weight of pretending it wasn’t …