Caught mid-speech. I used to hide. I used to pretend I didn’t have anything to say. I used to shrink back. I used to hate talking with people because I didn’t feel like I had anything to contribute – and quite honestly, I wasn’t comfortable sharing anything real (the struggle of depression kept me trapped and feeling “less than”) and being fake was exhausting!! .
Fast forward to my life today and WOW have things changed! This afternoon, I was in the middle of talking to a table full of people when I was approached to be in a video because I was speaking so passionately. WHAT?! Since when did this shy wallflower command the attention of a group and attract people in because of my passion? Since NOW!
The cool thing is, what I was talking about at the table was my journey with depression. Never in a million years did I think I would be grateful for that experience. Never did I think that I could inspire people and make a difference. I’m PASSIONATE about sharing my story so anyone struggling with depression knows they are not alone. I am spreading hope and possibility and inspiration.
If you’re going through depression, or know someone who is, please share this with them.
You matter. You count. It DOES get better. Ask for help if you aren’t sure how. You’re worth it! And the message I wanted to hear so desperately was “don’t feel bad for feeling bad.” It sucks to feel hopeless and alone and miserable. *Don’t feel bad for feeling bad!*
This is your cue to stop isolating and reach out ?