I’ve been surrounded this week by stories of husbands and wives who’ve really been in each other’s corner. Encouraging each other, fighting for the other’s victories, and celebrating with one another – I can feel my emotions heightening to it ? It feels extra tender …
Dear, Husband (September 11, 2022 edition)
Dear Husband, There is going to be so much of my life that you’ll only ever know about through stories. So many experiences I’ll only be able to relay to you via words, because we weren’t together when it happened. And same for you. We’re …
Dear, Husband (August 14, 2022 edition)
Dear husband, ? I bought this shirt for you 636 days ago, as an act of faith. ? Believing for something I’m not yet experiencing. Life with YOU! ? I pray for you as I wear it around the house. ? To be honest, I …
Dear, Husband (May 9 2021 edition)
Dear husband .Wouldn’t you just love to swing by this evening with flowers and pizza to snuggle on the couch and talk about our incredible life?.Same .I’d really enjoy that. A simple pleasure and one that makes my heart leap with joy knowing that someday we’ll get …
Dear, Husband (April 13, 2021 edition)
? Hey, hubs. Quick FYI for you – A little insider’s info ? Your wife? Yeah, she’s….how shall we say? Multi-faceted? ?.?Some might describe her as a high-achieving boss babe – but word to the wise, she really prefers more of a flowy state (imagine …
❌This isn’t what you think..I’m gonna share a few insights about ? DIAMONDS that God recently brought to my attention..I’m sure you’ve heard / known that diamonds are formed under pressure. But did you know that they’re also formed in the ? DARKEST place on …