I’ve been surrounded this week by stories of husbands and wives who’ve really been in each other’s corner. Encouraging each other, fighting for the other’s victories, and celebrating with one another – I can feel my emotions heightening to it ?
It feels extra tender this week ?
I’m absolutely encouraged to know that this loving support inside of a relationship exists! And I believe I’m being surrounded by it to really drive home the point that it IS possible ?
At the same time, this is definitely a week when I wish I had you in my corner, praying for me, wrapping your arms around me, and just reminding me that we’ll get through it.
I know I’m praying for you, and spiritually wrapping my arms around you, and declaring strength and peace over you, whatever you’re walking through right now ? And as much as I believe you’re also praying for your future wife (me!) and declaring victory over obstacles and joy in the hardships, there’s just something missing when there’s not a physical hug that accompanies those prayers.
I’m grateful for the strength that your prayers have brought me.
I’m thankful for the way our stories will blend together when we meet.
I’m eagerly anticipating getting to know you (and getting to know that it’s YOU).
And I’m really gonna hope that I can tangibly experience you spiritually wrapping your arms around me this week.
This is me in your corner ? Excitedly cheering you on, encouraging you to not back down, and trash talking our nasty opponent (I’m talkin’ ‘bout YOU, Satan)!
Love you, babe! Can’t wait to actually have your arms around me and just melt into your big bear hug!!
Until the day we meet, you can know I’m praying for you.
And until the day we die, you can know I’m praying for you.
xoxo ? forever yours.