Sigh. 7th grade. What a time, huh? For me it was….a mix of a whole lot of things. Some fun (limited), some adventure (my one and only party that I snuck to, which was held right after school, across the street, and someone smoked a cigarette ?), some sports (I was still involved in basketball, volleyball, and soccer), some singing (this was before my hugely embarrassing stage fright moment where I froze mid-song during a district competition and left my duet partner totally hanging) and school (I was first a foremost a student, and it showed in my social life…or lack thereof).
Would I go back and do anything differently if I had the chance. That’s a HUGE H*CK NO!! I wouldn’t at all because I love my life and each experience I’ve ever had has been part of creating that. Would I whisper some pointers to my 7th grade self if I could? Yes. I’d remind her to stay true to who she is, and that the people who will appreciate her for her will stick around. I’d remind her that being popular doesn’t matter…and it doesn’t last. And I would probably take her shopping and help her find different clothes that she felt confident in. Although, believe it or not, this was “her” favorite shirt. Blame it on 101 Dalmatians if you must, but this shirt got worn a LOT!
Whether you’re struggling with fashion choices, or a social life that feels less than desirable, know that you absolutely are capable of stepping into something different. YOU are the only one who can actually take the steps though. So, get clear on what you want, and allow yourself to go there. One step at a time. At the very least, start letting go of what you no longer want in your life. It’s possible. I’m living proof.