Feeling very #SPRING in this outfit on this May Day ???
Loved getting to celebrate a beautiful bride-to-be today…and also gave myself the grace to be gentle when I felt some sadness coming on ? goodness knows that even though I’m thoroughly loving my life, I’m also excited to get to be a bride-to-be someday ?
I didn’t let the sadness linger, because I’m not willing to give up my JOY ? but I’ve learned the hard way over the years how awful it is to try to ignore it or stuff it down ?
So, friends, if that’s something you’ve struggled with (how to acknowledge and process sadness ? without getting stuck in a pity party ?), let me encourage you that it gets better and easier the more you practice ?
Be intentional. Practice. Try again. And then do it some more. It WILL get easier. Promise ?
Have grace. Give grace. Repeat.
And if this is something you want extra support with ? these are the kinds of things I equip ladies with in mentorship.
Curious if you’re ready to step into that and what it would look like? Email me at growthandgracelife@gmail.com and let’s connect!