?Shhhh….I’m going to tell you something that you may not want to hear, but it will make your life SO MUCH EASIER if you can remember this simple thing:
➡️THEIR life is NOT your life⬅️
It’s all too easy to finger point ? and decide that “they have this because of XYZ.” or “they’ve achieved this because of ABC.” or “they wouldn’t understand because they’ve never…”
While some of that *may* be true, or partially true – it’s not up to us to decide their life story, what they do with it, or how it’s told ?
?We can ONLY be responsible for ourselves? I know that’s cliché, and sometimes overused – but it’s very VERY true!
So next time you’re ? looking at someone else’s life, and you have your thoughts + perceptions + impressions about them, remember:
❌Don’t judge
❌Don’t assume
❌Don’t try to live their life out
❌Don’t pretend to know their story
❌Don’t speak poorly about them
❌Don’t envy
Because here’s the thing:
‼️Even if they told you their life story directly, you still wouldn’t know because it’s not your story‼️
Let that sink in. THEIR story is NOT your story. So stop trying to tell/live/speak it.
✅Tell YOUR story.
✅Live YOUR life.
✅Speak YOUR words.
? @expressionsbymeiphotography
Their life is not your life