Our church opened back up (IN PERSON 🙌) on Sunday for our 15th Birthday, and I’m *such* a fangirl 🙈😃💓
We are created with a purpose and designed for community – and it’s not meant to be virtual, or 6 feet apart 🚫 We’re meant to do life TOGETHER.
So incredibly GRATEFUL for:
▪️bold pastors who are actively sacrificing comfort to stand up for the Word of God and protect our first amendment rights 1️⃣ Thank you for leading the way for so many, @jurgmeister and @leannematthesius 💞
▪️the freedom we have in our country, the UNITED States of America 🇺🇸 one nation under God 🙏
▪️my friendships that were created and have blossomed through @awakenchurchsd
▪️the PEACE that comes from a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father – the Author of peace that surpasses all understanding
▪️our incredible church, where we know how to be FUN & HOLY, and love really well through it all.
There is A LOT going on in our world right now. People are hurting 💔 There are loads of unhealed wounds festering right now.
I implore you to seek PEACE. Seek first to understand before being understood. James 1:19 tells us “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to be understood.”
We ALL have room for improvement! Not one of us is perfect. That said, focusing on imperfections (ours OR theirs) won’t serve anyone ❌
Focus on:
▪️God’s truth
▪️Bringing out the BEST in people
▪️Loving well
▪️Speaking life, not death
▪️Being respectful, even when you disagree