🎉 It’s my BIRTHDAY month, friends, and you know I’m gonna enjoy every single day of it 🥳
But first, and as I look backwards for a moment, I’m going to invite you along on a journey that led me to 35 👀
If you would have asked me 20 years ago where I’d be at 35, I would have told you with the snotty, know-it-all confidence of a 15-year-old girl that obviously I’d be married with a few kids #duh 🙃 I had no vision beyond that 🚫
If you would have asked me 15 years ago where I’d be at 35, I would have informed you very matter-of-factly that I’d be married to my college love, living in Montana. I had no vision beyond that 🚫
If you would have asked me 10 years ago where I’d be at 35, I would have said (with little hope in my heart, having recently gone through a devastating breakup) that I’d hopefully be married. I had no vision beyond that 🚫
If you would have asked me 5 years ago where I’d be at 35, I would have feebly shared (while holding back tears 😢) that “I want to be married, but who knows. That’s probably not in the cards for me.” It would have been followed by a laugh 😅 trying to play it off, but the heartbreak was significant and I couldn’t see my way out.
At 30, what could be considered the peak of depression in my life 😔 I couldn’t wrap my head around anything I wanted *actually* coming to pass. Too much heartbreak already 💔 Too many failures 👎 Too many times I’d tried and fallen down 🤕 I couldn’t remotely fathom the life I’m living today 😲 a life of genuine joy and excitement for what’s ahead. I just couldn’t see past the only things I’d come to count on, which were disappointment and “yet another year of nothing working out how I want.” 😣
I didn’t have vision (#blind). I’d forgotten my dreams (#forlorn). I’d let my joy die (#depressionsucks). I felt hopeless and mundane, and completely without possibility (#powerless).
But then. THEN it happened. That’s when I was fully confronted with literally everything that wasn’t working in my life 😳 and realized that I WAS THE REASON IT WASN’T WORKING. Me. The same girl who felt powerless was suddenly empowered to completely change her life. #mindBLOWN 🤯
Painful, sure. Uncomfortable? Definitely! But absolutely, 100%, completely worth it, and LIFE CHANGING 👏👏👏 (More details in other posts about the leadership training I went through that massively shifted things for me) but for this post, I’ll highlight that by the time I turned 31, it had been well over two decades since I’d really celebrated my birthday. And since then, it’s one of my favorite days of the year (hence my month-long lead up to it) 🎂🥳🎉🎈🎁🎊
As I’m approaching my 35th Birthday (Hello! Why does that feel so BIG?! 😃😅), I’m in awe at all God has done in these last 5 years, especially. He’s completely rejuvenated my mind🧠, redeemed all of those years that wasted away in the throes of depression🤍, and has given me totally fresh perspective on life 😍
I went from decades of “I had no vision beyond that” to “I have so much vision, I can’t imagine that decades will be enough time to live it all out!” 💝
His Word says in Matthew 19:26 “with God all things are possible” and let me tell you what. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! Redemption. Restoration. Healing. Joy where there was sorrow. Beauty where there was ashes. I’ve experienced all of this and more with Him, and it’s possible for you, too, my friend 💋
So as we head into my 35th year together, let’s release all that has been, and step into all God has for us! 👉 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10)
😊 birthday month to me (and to you)! May this be your absolute BEST MONTH YET, and may your vision expand in ways that would make even the highest mountains appear to be but grains of sand.
Cheers to 35 🥂
Cheers to 35