Showing: 1 - 10 of 12 Articles
Spiritual Susan's Favorites

Church Injuries

If you’ve ever been wounded by “the church” then please read this post! I don’t know what happened to you (although I’ve heard countless stories from people of the wounds they’ve sustained, and there are some truly tragic ones!), but I‘d like you to consider …


God’s good for it

I can assure you that God’s good for it..That promise He made you that hasn’t come to pass yet? Yup. Even that..That sass you’re giving Him because of it? Yup. Even that..That thing you just haven’t quite seemed to be able to let go of …


Single on Valentine’s day…again

Romantic lunch for 6. Yep. Me and @fiveguys  – #dadjoke 😉 Get it?! ? The goods are below ?? While it’s been 11 years since I’ve had a Valentine on Valentine’s Day, I can honestly say, this has been the most JOY-FILLED Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had! ?.Do …


Cheers to 35

? It’s my BIRTHDAY month, friends, and you know I’m gonna enjoy every single day of it ?.But first, and as I look backwards for a moment, I’m going to invite you along on a journey that led me to 35 ?.If you would have …


New Year’s Eve 2020

⭐2020⭐.? It’s not over yet..There’s still time ✅.This year can be whatever ?YOU? make of it..What will YOU decide about it?.For me, it’s been a year of:➕EXPANSION➕GRIT➕FLOW➕REVELATION➕FRIENDSHIP➕PRAYER➕LEARNING.…and so much more! We still have many hours left in this year, month, and day. What a BLESSING …

Lifestyle Spiritual

You’re Invited

? I’ve “known” God my whole life. Grew up in a Christian home, always have gone to church, prayed *the prayer* when I was 4 years old, and have always been a believer..But if I’m being honest, it hasn’t always been personal. For many years, …

Leadership Relationships

Faith and friendships

? Do you ever walk towards something with ? excitement and ? eager anticipation, only to trip and fall down the flight of stairs as you’re approaching the bottom, and have the opportunity vanish into thin air?.No? Just me? ? (thankfully at least, it’s only …