Wayyyy too much fun at this hidden gem downtown – I don’t know the name of it but it’s got a coffee shop, a dog park, and this rad wall! These pictures capture me getting pro photo shoot tips from my photographer πŸ“Έ and actual fitness model πŸ”₯ Miss @janelle_lynnae 😎 This was after a fun night of dinner🍣 and inspiring conversation – it just kept getting better!!

“Walk towards me. But on your tip toes.”πŸ‘£

“Stop whatever you’re doing with your hand.” πŸ‘‹

“Walk slower. Now smile. Look right at the camera.”πŸ‘€

LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ we were having a blast! This was completely spur of the moment and we decided to go for it! I’m thankful for friends who go with my whims and spontaneity!